WHO: P1 - P5

WHEN: Deadline to submit is 11:59pm April 16, starting… NOW!  24 hour extension, deadline April 17 midnight. 

ENTRY: No fees, just send us your time and Video on telegram, email, or instagram


Start timer

Run 1 mile with your pack

Unpack glider

Wing overhead

Get off the ground (>1 sec)

Pack glider

Run 1 mile with your pack

PRIZE: Winner gets sweet Optic Nerve glasses and bragging rights forever— we will refer to this workout by the name of the winner from here on out 👀 

In order for this to count you must complete this checklist:

 ◦ Run with pack on filled with all required equipment for a standard HF race*

 ◦ Helmet must be on for launch

 ◦ Reserve must be in place for launch

 ◦ If your harness is inflatable, you must give it one solid blow before pulling the wing up

 ◦  Pack must be stowed in harness and zipped close

 ◦ All "safety" buckles on the harness must be attached before kiting 

We recommend doing this with others and bringing someone to time and film so you don’t have to worry about setting up a camera or timing. Plus racing against your friends will probably end up with a faster result 😉 

Have fun! Push hard! May the speediest pilot win 🤠

Equipment Requirements:  This is the minimum you need on you at all times, on the ground and in the air, highly suggested you have more. 

*Rules of Engagement: